Core Brands
These are the consistent brews at our first home, Amuse Coffee Co.
- Black Lightning
- Basic White Booch
Based on the limited availability of ingredients, these brews come and go as the seasons do.
- Hoppy Accident
- Not a Gin!
- Purple Reign
- Plum Like It Hot
Inspired by local farmers, restaurants, and partners these brews have a whole lotta love in them.
- Adventure Thyme
- A Booch Name Su’
- Where Rosemary Goes
- Fennel-ly Enough
- Winter Is Cumin
- Respect Your Elders
- Where There’s Smoke
- Up In Smoke
- There’s An App For That
- Pep In Your Step
One offs that may or may not return.
- Cot In The Act
- Smoke+Rhuins
- Brew Bayou
- Love Oolong Time